
Evermist is a large island located in the Norhtern Atlantic Ocean on Earth.  Over the years the Tuatha de Danann's influence has dwindled and they slowly withdrew from the world.  For hundreds of years their presence went unnoticed by humans until an exiled Scottish Clan founded a kingdom of the shores of Evermist.

The leader of the exiles, Rorik Jackson, was visted one night by the Tuatha and given three tests to prove his right to lead his people.  These were the Test of Wisdom, the Test of Courage, and the Test of Heart.  Rorik passed his tests and the Tuatha crowned him King of Evermist and taught his people the crafts.  They also set upon them rules of when and why Rorik's people may wage war.  They were never to engage in expansionist campaigns as the Tuatha would provide what land they needed. They were never to oppress others, as the Tuatha were themselves oppressed once.  When family or freinds were wronged, Evermist may blow the horns of battle and march to their defense. 

Caledon, Tir na nOg

When the people of Evermist starrted to out grow their island nation, they beseeched the Tuatha de Danann for more land as it was set forth many years ago that the Tuatha would provide land for Evermist.  The Tuatha word their words and told them of a far off world called Tir na nOg, the Land of Eternal Youth.  It was from this world that the Tuatha de Danann came from and it was here that they were forced to flee a great and terible foe, a foe known as the Fomorians. 

Evermist, not knowing what threats may await them, invited several allied nations of Earth to join them on Tir na nOg.  Evermist claimed land in the southern hemisphere and named it Caledon.


A force of 15 billion combined Grand Council of Standing Stones, League of Sentinel Nations, Ericea and Alicante forces invaded Manifest-Nation to apprehend one Joe Blake, who is wanted by the Vigilant Alliance of Nations, Grand Council of Standing Stones and League of Sentinel Nations for various crimes.  The war was long a brutal and in the end Mr. Blake escaped arrest.  A nation wide man hunt has been called and enemies are coming from every angle trying to help Joe Black escape.

Evermist ahs implemented a parliment made up of Manifest nationals as well as LSN personnel to govern the central portion of Manifest-Nation, the other two thirds given to Ericea and the GCSS to do with as they please.