Races in the Evermistian Empire

There are currently two seperate races living in the Evermistian Empire.  Humans make up about 90% of Evermist citizens and Nox the other 10%.


There are six social casts in Evermist. 

Warrior:  By far the largest cast, the Warriors rule Evermist
Information:  The Information Cast is the next in prestige.  They have infiltrated many nations to the deepest levels.
Science:  The Science cast researches new means by which Evermist can wage war and live in harmony with the environment.
Technician:  The Technician cast. Is nearly as important as the Science cast as they keep the nation running smoothly. 
Religious:  The Religious cast communes directly with the Tuatha de Danann and passes their will onto the citizens of Evermist.
Laborer:  This cast is made up of the farmers, factory workers and construction workers.  They are the lowest but still respected cast in Evermist.


They are known to be one of the oldest species that inhabit the galaxy though very few know of them. Physically, they resemble primitive humans with a faint gray skin color as well as grass-like hair from which branches and leaves grow. The Nox tend to wear primitive clothing with colors that combine gray to gray-blue to violet and scarlet. They appear slightly shorter than average humans with a slight build; they often present an unassuming façade which belies their capabilities. The species are strict vegetarians; getting their nutrition from fruits, vegetables, roots and other natural foods found in the forests of the natural world. The eldest of the species can reach the age of 500 years with children reaching maturity by the age of 18 years. Once a Nox reaches adulthood, their aging slows down to an almost imperceptible rate. Only during the last two centuries of a Nox's life do they begin to appear old but this also belies their true age.

The Nox practice philosophy of absolute pacifism and non-violence that is so strict that they refuse even to defend themselves when threatened. Should a Nox find themselves in such a situation, they tend to typically hide through the use of their stealth technology or simply use their technology to remove the aggressors along with their weapons. This policy is so strict that others within their domain are forced to obey their rules of policy of pacifism when necessary. Should visitors attempt to employ violence against one another, the Nox remove their weapons as part of their rules.


Heightened Intellect: The Nox are an extremely intelligent and perceptive race that are able to perform complex arithmetic in fractions of a second.

Eidetic Memory: They possess an astounding ability to comprehend and retain information with near perfect memories.

Heightened Perception: They make use of the five senses that Humans use but they are far more acute when compared to Humans allowing them to pick up on details and subtleties around them that others would miss entirely. This provides the Nox with abilities that border on extra-sensory perception due to their perceptive nature and heightened senses.

Bio-electrical Tuning: In addition to this, the Nox possess the innate ability to tune into the bio-electrical fields within other beings, in a sense "reading" them at a level far beyond normal senses. They are capable of also channeling their natural heightened perception into a number of extraordinary abilities that include the ability to learn languages after hearing them spoken for only a short time, a mild form of mind reading that allows them to detect nearby surface thoughts, and the ability to heal others. With the latter ability, which they refer to as the Ritual of Life, the Nox are capable of completely healing the most severe of injuries and even resurrect the recently deceased so long as the tiniest amount of molecular activity as well as bio-electrical energy remains within the body. In order to accomplish this ritual, there is a minimum requirement of three Nox to perform the intense and focused concentration which interrupts their ability to use their technology. They also can render extremely large objects invisible and insubstantial.